Exalted / Exalted-Die Hohen

Das neue Rollenspiel-Grundregelwerk über die Zeit der Tränen!
Ob es 'Die Hohen'¸ die deutsche Ausgabe von 'Exalted'¸ von Feder & Schwert¸ noch zur Spielemesse schaffen¸ ist sehr fraglich. Nicht in Frage gestellt ist dagegen¸ daß die kompletten 16 (!) Seiten Errata zur englischen White Wolf-Ausgabe eingearbeitet wurden. Wieder einmal werden die deutschen Fans zwar später aber deutlich besser bedient. [Quelle: www.dorp.de.vu]Die deutsche Ausgabe von 'Exalted' wird unter dem Titel 'Die Hohen' veröffentlicht werden. Ein mehr als 400 Seiten starkes Hardcover. (38 Euro) Exalted verwendet das bewährte Storyteller-System distanziert sich aber sehr stark vom Image der World of Darkness¸ auch wenn es chronologisch viele Jahre zuvor (auch weit vor Dark Ages) angesiedelt ist. Exalted läßt sich vielleicht am besten als Fantasy-Anime-Setting bezeichnen woran vor allem auch die Illustrationen schuld sind¸ die die Bände zieren. Storyteller-gemäß findet man verschiedene Gruppen¸ ein Punkte-System usw. Das Spiel erinnert aber mehr an Final Fantasy statt an D&D oder Tolkien.
A fantasy RPG set in a mythic age when the Exalted ruled a vast empire which controls the world. The Exalted are those who can channel Essence for magical powers. It uses a variant of the ""Storyteller"" dice pool system. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim Exalted is the latest hardcover rulebook addition to the World of Darkness - but not the one you think you know. You've never seen or even dreamed of this land before¸ yet it's hauntingly familiar. Become one of the Exalted¸ one of the heirs to an Age of Heroes¸ now cast down and disparaged. Will you rail against the tyranny of the oppressive Realm¸ seek your destiny in the dangerous Threshold¸ or throw in with the bizarre creatures of the wilds? The fate of this new world is in your hands.
Before the Impergium Before the Mythic Ages Before the Sundering Before there was a World of Darkness There was Something Else. Exalted takes place before the history of the World of Darkness began¸ in a recorded period longer than the one we know. Thousands of years before the time of Exalted¸ a great war occurred¸ shattering the golden age. There was a betrayal¸ and an entire class of beings lost their lives-but not their vital essences. These beings survived to exact their revenge¸ their justice¸ on those who slew them. Today¸ they are being reborn¸ and their return will inspire stories of heroes and gods throughout all time. Exalted uses a modified version of the game mechanics used in other Storyteller games. According to Avers¸ 'Players take the roles of legendary yet flawed heroes pitted against a nearly unstoppable foe in a fantastic world on the verge of civil war. Exalteds setting is inspired far more by Homer than it is by Tolkien¸ looks more like Katsuhiro Otomo than it does John William Waterhouse and feels more like Final Fantasy than it does Dungeons & Dragons¸' according to Avers. (Textparts of article of InQuest magazine issue # 69.)
It is the Second Age of Man¸ the age before the world turned. The Empire of the Dragon-Blooded - an invincible colossus - stands astride the ruins of the First Age. For millennia¸ the Scarlet Empress held the world in her steel grip. But the empress is no more¸ and the Realm spirals toward chaos and civil war. Its enemies descend - demon princes¸ deathlords¸ skin-changing barbarians and the twisted and inscrutable Fair Folk hammer at the gates. In this time of darkness are reborn the Solar Exalted¸ heroes of legend once slain by the Dragon-Blooded. Will these living legends herald the return of the Golden Age or the end of Creation?