Munchkin d20 / Munchkin

Munchkin. It's not just for players any more.
What can a Munchkin d20 GM do? Whatever he wants. Player annoys you? Kill him. Or change his sex. Or turn him into a Canada goose. Go all the way and turn him into a dead sex-changed Canada goose. No one can stop you.
When you're the GM¸ the rules are only suggestions. So the Munchkin d20 Munchkin Master's Guide is 48 pages of evil suggestions: magic items¸ prestige classes¸ NPCs¸ a few special monsters ...
It's GOOD to be the GM.
Bonnie and Clyde. Matches and gasoline. Famine and plague. And now . . . Munchkin and d20!
Munchkin brought you the essence of roleplaying. Kill them all and take their stuff! Now the Kneepads of Allure¸ the Ancient Enraged Plutonium Dragon¸ the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment¸ and the Half-Elf Half-Dwarf Super Munchkin Cleric-Thief with the Chicken On His Head have flown off the cards . . . and right into your d20 game!
If you play d20 . . . this 48-page hardback book shows how it should be played. If you don't play d20¸ feel free to inflict munchkinism on some other system. Munchkin d20 will jazz up your sessions as your characters rocket up in power! This book includes munchkin classes¸ races¸ spells¸ and tips and techniques designed to terrify even a hardened GM! (But don't worry -- the Munchkin Masters will be getting their own book soon enough . . . as will the monsters.) This is d20 the way it SHOULD be played. Munchkin out!
Munchkin. It's not just for players any more.
What can a Munchkin d20 GM do? Whatever he wants. Player annoys you? Kill him. Or change his sex. Or turn him into a Canada goose. Go all the way and turn him into a dead sex-changed Canada goose. No one can stop you.
When you're the GM¸ the rules are only suggestions.