Gamma World d20

Gamma World is a post-holocaust roleplaying game. It is set in a distant¸ fantastical future populated by mutants and sentient animals. The world of Gamma World is a strange¸ wild place in in which deadly¸ deranged robots guard fight stone age barbarians for invaluable technological treasures. In brief¸ it"s a world straight out of your favourite Saturday morning cartoon. Gamma World was never a very popular game and has been out of print for some time now. To be fair¸ it was never particularly good game and among gamers it does have the reputation of being a bit of a turkey. Despite the luxury of four editions¸ the final product never seemed to quite come together. But perhaps the real problem the public found with Gamma World was its offbeat tone. While most science fiction role-playing games will contain elements of improbable science¸ these are usually hidden away or covered up by plausible sounding techno-babble. In Gamma World the disregard for scientific accuracy is blatant and totally unrestrained. Gamma World is equally disdainful of the common aesthetic/cultural conventions. After all¸ there are not many rpgs which¸ without being explicitly comedy orientated¸ allow you to play a mutated skunk. If one flicks through Gamma World"s bestiary¸ among the more predictable scary monsters one also finds some very strange and comical creations. The mean-tempered¸ rabbit based Hoops (depicted below) might appear cute¸ but they are no less dangerous. The overall effect of these unconventional design choices is difficult to pin-point. Gamma World is not a parody and yet there are too many goofy bits for it be effective as a dramatic game. If it were a movie¸ you would almost expect Gamma World to have those terrible Dr Who style special effects. So why dedicate a web site to it? The Art of Gamma World Appreciation is all about to looking beyond these faults to find the game"s concealed qualities. It"s about kissing the frog and placing your bet on the ugly duckling. Because there is a gem of a game hidden beneath those garbled¸ rules. And hopefully these pages will provide some insights on just how this might be achieved. Dank an das Gamma World-FAQ von James