No one knows what caused the Event. Alien visitors? Collision with another dimension? Whatever it was¸ it sundered an area on Earth from the laws of nature. And it left wonders behind. Whether you're on an authorized expedition or breaking quarantine to make some credits¸ be careful out there: Come back not-quite-human¸ and the Lab will insist you visit indefinitely.Zoneis a super-slim¸ self-contained¸ lo-fi sci-fi RPG about exploring an scientifically impossible landscape on Earth. It's inspired byRoadside PicnicandAnnihilation¸and fits on 3 pages and a cover¸ printable on two sides of a letter-sized page. It includes....Basic rules for playbased on the FREE 24XX SRD and Emergency RulesOptions for Zone explorer PCs¸including scientist¸ soldier¸ and scavenger specialties¸ plus local¸ refugee¸ and out-of-towner origins36 "alterations"that characters might pick up in the Zone