GURPS Traveller

2002-08-13: Steve Jackson Games is pleased to announce that its license to produce a GURPS version of the classic science-fiction roleplaying game Traveller has been extended for another three years. By agreement with Far Future Enterprises¸ the GURPS Traveller line¸ as well as the online Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society¸ will continue at least through the end of 2005. The new license also gives SJ Games the right to open up a new period in the distant past of the classic Third Imperium setting. Long before the foundation of the Imperium¸ the Humans of Terra reached the stars for the first time¸ only to find that they were already owned by someone else. Centuries of conflict followed¸ in which the outnumbered Terrans fought for their very survival against a vast but decadent alien empire. Now GURPS Traveller will examine this crucial time. The first release in the new line¸ GURPS Traveller: The Interstellar Wars¸ is tentatively scheduled for a Summer 2003 release.' 'The Interstellar Wars have always been of great interest to Traveller fans¸' said GURPS Traveller Line Editor Jon F. Zeigler. 'It's very exciting to have the opportunity to develop this period into a setting for epic adventure.' Marc Miller¸ creator of Traveller¸ agreed. 'I'm excited about opening a new milieu. There's room for a lot of new things here.' Senior Line Editor Loren Wiseman¸ long-time Traveller author and editor¸ remains at the helm of the GURPS Traveller product line. He is assisted by Zeigler¸ and by Graeme Davis¸ editor of the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (JTAS).