A multi-genre game set on Earth being invaded by beings from other dimensions (""cosms"")¸ who have transformed swaths of Earth into ""realms"" where different laws apply: simulating a traditional genre with a twist. i.e. Egypt is transformed into a pulp action realm¸ England is transformed into a traditional fantasy realm¸ etc. The system uses a 1d20 roll (open-ended on 10 or 20) which refers to a universal chart that give ""bonus"". Action resolution is by comparing bonus + skill vs difficulty. It has an exponential scale of game ""values"" similar to the MEGS system (from DC Heroes). It also uses a ""Drama Deck"" of special cards. Each round in combat¸ a card is turned up to show initiative and special opportunities. Further¸ each player has a hand of 4 cards which can be played to cause special events. - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim"
The long-lost revision of the first edition of the Torg rules by guru Jim Ogle sees publication. This massive tome compiles a decade of print publications and fan comments into one central location. Note that it does not contain setting information or templates; these are available separately.