Mysterious Cairo
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A Torg Roleplaying Game novel
by Ed Stark¸ Steven Brown¸ Greg Farshtey¸ Shane Lacy Hensley¸ Bill Slavicsek¸ Bill Smith¸ John Terra
Welcome to Cairo¸ City of Adventure
Come to the World of the Nile Empire¸ a world of high adventure¸ intrigue¸ and danger. Come to the city of Cairo¸ on the banks of the Great Nile. Here¸ pulp heroes fight against insane villains in the streets. Weird scientists¸ magicians¸ and occultists concoct incredible schemes to rob their enemies of more than just their lives... Cairo: City of adventure. City of heroes. City of Mystery.
Excerpt from the book¸ from ?Cry Havoc?:
As the four Knights leaped out the doorway¸ the planes fuel caught fire and exploded with a bright flash and a tremendous roar. The fiery hot air slammed into their necks and backs while they were in mid-air¸ the force of the explosion hurling the Knights dozens of feet across the field¸ at last bringing them to rest face down in the furrowed dirt.
Corey spat out a mouthful of soil. It had a bitter¸ rotten taste¸ a taste that seemed familiar but she could not place it. She noticed a smooth white patch of something sticking out of the ground. She brushed away the dirt¸ and gasped at the grisly human skull which stared back at her with all living eyes. Suddenly a pair of vine-covered skeletal arms shot from the dirt and seized the newswoman by the shoulders¸ as more figures erupted from the ground around her.
?Gospog!? she screamed¸ as she managed to unholster her sidearm and pump four rounds into the grinning skull. The creature loosed it grip and Corey leapt to her feet¸ only to find that her friends had made the exact same discovery¸ and were fighting for their lives against a shambling horde of dozens of the blasphemies ?
Originally published in softcover mass market format in 1992 by West End Games. Reformatted for better printing. More information about Torg: Roleplaying the Possibility Wars can be found at the West End Games Web site.
112-page¸ 8.5x11¸ one-color novel. No art.
We aslo recommend WEG 20601¸ Storm Knights; WEG 20602¸ The Dark Realm; WEG 20604¸ Strange Tales from the Nile Empire; WEG 20605¸ Dragons over England; WEG 20607¸ Out of Nippon; or WEG 20609¸ Interview with Evil.
Add this classic RPG to your collection - Torg is a genre-spanning rpg where fantasy¸ cyberpunk¸ pulp¸ etc. all mix together. Now complete available as PDF!