
2001-10-28: Neues für Palladium von Palladium Books... - Palldium steht in Gesprächen für einen Rifts-Film. Ein Vertragsabschluß mit Jerry Bruckheimer Productions steht noch nicht¸ aber man arbeitet an den Bedingungen.
Das Kultrollenspiel von Kevin Siembieda & Co. (Palladium Books) Sehr schönes¸ wenn auch etwas brutales Endzeit-Rsp. Material im Schlagmichtot-Bereich¸ aber schöne ideen¸ wie eine kranke Endzeitwelt wirklich aussehen sollte. Und natürlich für den¸ der Kampfroboter mag. Ansonsten gibts da Magie in allen möglichen Darreichungsformen¸ Ausserirdische¸ Mutanten¸ Cyborgs... die Regeln sind etwas konfus und teilweise sehr ungünstig quer durch die Bücher verteilt. Ebenso fehlt "gewöhnlicheres" Hintergrundmaterial über das alltägliche Leben nach dem Untergang der Welt. Dank an Jens Winkler
A science fantasy post-apocalyptic game about a world where nuclear strikes set off a magical transformation of the Earth. Visible ley lines of magical energy spring up¸ along with inter- dimensional "rifts" which brought in aliens and monsters. The system is a variant of the Palladium System. The game features many augmented humans and massive firepower (up to personal nukes!)¸ facilitated by "Mega-damage" where each point is 100 normal "hit points". - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim Rifts Ultimate Edition will be a completely rewritten and updated version of the original game played and enjoyed by an estimated 1.5 million gamers. Not exactly a Second Edition¸ because most of the rules will remain unchanged¸ Rifts Ultimate Edition is expanded and improved. There will be more world information¸ tips on how to use the time-line and World Books¸ rewrites on O.C.C.s¸ and in some cases¸ expansions of and more details on O.C.C.s such as the Headhunter¸ Mercenaries¸ the Techno-Wizard and Shifter¸ as well as a few new O.C.C.s. Our goal is to make Rifts more exciting and compelling than ever¸ while at the same time making the rules better organized¸ clearer and easier to use. The wonder and infinite possibilities of Rifts all brought to pulse-pounding life like never before. Of course¸ there will be a few fun changes and additions¸ but nothing so dramatic as to make the 40+ available sourcebooks obsolete.
Rifts is the familiar.
Rifts is the alien and unknown.
Rifts is the embodiment of wonder¸ danger¸ and endless possibilities.
Rifts is a post-apocalyptic Earth stranger than a hundred alien worlds¸ where humanity battles against aliens and the supernatural.
Reality blurs. Magic and technology often clash or meld together. Around the next corner a dragon¸ cyborg¸ monster¸ giant robot¸ vampire¸ or god only knows what may await you.
Rifts merges science fiction with fantasy¸ horror¸ heroic adventure¸ and other genres in a thrilling and plausible setting that will set your imagination on fire.
Travel the Rifts to any location on Earth¸ or leap across the dimensional divide to visit alien worlds and dimensions in a matter of seconds. And just as you can travel to other worlds¸ aliens and the monstrous travel to Earth and stalk the innocent.
Rifts is a fusion of ideas¸ settings¸ genres¸ and characters unlike any game on the market. An endless Megaverse of adventure in which if you can imagine it¸ you can play it.
Are you up to the challenge?
Rifts is a multi-genre role-playing game that captures the imagination unlike any other. Elements of magic¸ horror¸ and the supernatural co-exist with science¸ high technology and the ordinary. The game spans countless dimensions¸ making anything and everything possible. Players are truly limited only by their imaginations!