Pendragon - Rollenspiel-Abenteuer in Arturs Britannien
Wie der Name schon sagt¸ handelt dieses Spiel von der britischen Insel zu Arthurs Zeiten. Die Spieler schlüpfen in die Rolle von Rittern oder Zauberern in Arthurs Königreich und erleben die Jahre seiner Herrschaft aus deren Sicht mit. Dies ist eine Rollenspielbeschreibung aus Olav Müllers Homepage. Ergänzungen erwünscht !A game of Arthurian romance¸ based on Malory'sL'Morte d'Arthurand similar sources. The PC's are knights who will go on quests and journeys¸ but also engage in building families and raising heirs. Campaigns may span generations. The mechanics are roll 1d20 under (skill or attribute)¸ using the roll as level of success (i.e. ""blackjack"" method). Combat is a contest where only the combatant with the higher level of success does damage. It uses a detailed system of personality traits and passions¸ such as Pride/Modesty and many others. Character creation is only knights under the original edition¸ and magic was only done by NPCs. Under the fourth edition¸ the options are expanded. The fifth edition returns to more limited initial character generation¸ and starts in the year 485 (during the reign of King Uther) rather than 531. - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim
This game is set in legendary Arthurian Britain. Pendragon covers the entire period from the death of Arthur"s father Uther until Arthur"s own death 70 years later¸ in an accelerated historical style. At Uther"s death the game is fairly historical¸ but by Arthur"s crowning is modelled on the 1100"s¸ and is "advanced" to the 1500"s by Arthur"s death. This affects dress¸ weapons¸ armor¸ building styles and other setting elements. Characters age and die in this game¸ but have the opportunity to have children and other relatives to carry on their activities. Character personality is more important than strength or speed in this game¸ having more to do with Honor and Glory than the simple ability to deal damage.