King Arthur Pendragon: Epic Roleplaying in Legendary Britain (4e)
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Listen and hear the life of a great lord who¸ while he lived¸ had no equal in cottage or castle. This event took place in the time of Arthur¸ the King¸ courtly and royal¸ and is about one of his great adventures. Wherever he went¸ of all kings¸ Arthur bears the flower; of all knights¸ he bears the honor. The whole country was chivalrous in those days. All knights were valiant¸ and all cowards were forver disgraced.
--From the Wedding of Sir Gawaine and Dame Ragnell
Live the glory of King Arthur's court. Smite bloodthirsty giants¸ crush treacherous invaders¸ brave the mysterious lands of Faerie¸ and dabble in Celtic magic.
To become a Knight of the Round table you must uphold chivalric ideals of courage¸ honesty¸ fair play¸ and justice. Armed and armored¸ you are the law of the land¸ in a life-or-death struggle to join the fellowship of the Round Table.
Or you might be instead become a powerful magician using King Arthur Pendragon's new Celtic magic system. Scour legendary Britain and the lands of Faerie for sites of power¸ where you will work fearsome spells and summonings.
This book contains everything you need to explore the mysteries and dangers of Arthur's Britain. Its many features include a complete game system; and extensive background information covering knighthood¸ chivalry¸ the magical traditions¸ your home and family¸ the feudal world¸ and chivalric duties. Clear¸ concise instructions make character generation easy and quick¸ and many examples are included. Other sections teach you how to present a King Arthur Pendragon game sessions and how to start your first campaign. Exotic monsters¸ fearsome creatures¸ and other people are described in detail. Statistics for many famous knights and nobles include Arthur¸ Gawaine¸ Lancelot¸ Guenever¸ Mordred¸ Merlin¸ and Morgan le Fay. Many adventures are provided so that you can begin play immediately.
This is your opportunity to be one of Arthur's knights¸ errant across Britain¸ and - perhaps - be one of the fortunate few named to Arthur's Round Table. Adventure through the world of Excalibur¸ the Sword in the Stone¸ the Joyous Garde¸ Camelot¸ the Questing Beast¸ the Wastelands¸ and more!
Live the glory of King Arthur"s court. Smite bloodthirsty giants¸ crush treacherous invaders¸ brave the mysterious lands of faerie¸ and dabble in Celtic magic. Pendragon is a roleplaying game based on the legends of King Arthur¸ Lancelot¸ Guenever¸ and the Knights of the Round Table. To become a knight of the Round Table you must uphold the chivalric ideals of courage¸ honesty¸ fair play¸ and justice. Armed and armored¸ you are the law of the land¸ in a life-or-death struggle to join the fellowship of the Round Table.
This book contains everything you need to explore the mysteries and dangers of Arthur"s Britain. Its many features include a complete game system extensive background information covering knighthood¸ chivalry¸ the magical traditions¸ your home and family¸ the feudal world¸ and chivalric duties. Clear¸ concise instructions make character generation easy and quick¸ and many examples are included. Other sections teach you how to present a Pendragon game session and how to start you first campaign. Exotic monsters¸ fearsome creatures¸ and other peoples are described in detail. Statistics for many famous knights and nobles include Arthur¸ Gawaine¸ Lancelot¸ Guenever¸ Mordred¸ Merlin¸ and Morgan le Fay. Many adventures are provided so that you can begin play immediately.