HackMaster / Knights of the Dinner Table
Für alle Freunde des guten alten Hack&Slay¸ ist dieses Rollenspiel gedacht! Back to the Roots! Im Endeffekt AD&D pur mit ein paar teilweise nicht ganz ernstgemeinten Regeln - zum Beispiel¸ 'wie würfle ich richtig' usw. Jede Menge verschiedene Feuerbälle (17 Stk!)¸ für AD&D Spieler ein Rückblick auf die guten alten Zeiten der 1.Auflage. Das Spiel ist einfach nur witzig! Aber man kann natürlich auch ernsthaft damit spielen.
A humorous RPG based on the comic strip ""Knights of the Dinner Table"". It uses a licensed variant of the 1st editionAD&Dsystem¸ which adds on a set of more complex rules. Additional rules include an honor system¸ critical hits¸ and a percentile skill system. There is a character build point system¸ where points can buy skills¸ advantages¸ attributes¸ or starting money. The original edition was numbered ""4th"" because that was how it was referred to in the comic¸ and the following edition became ""5th."" - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim HackMaster¸ the game of choice for the Knights of the Dinner Table. Fans have been screaming for this game for years and now it's finally here! This book gives players all they need to know to delve into the wonderful violent world of HackMaster¸ the role-playing game originally released by Hard 8 Enterprises. It's all about killing and breaking things in this hilarious¸ yet fully playable RPG of mad sorcerers¸ armies of orcs and wicked weapons. Get back to your role-playing roots with the game that started it all: HackMaster.