
A universal system which fuses R Talsorian's ""Interlock"" system with Hero Games ""HERO"" system (fromChampions). The core system is available forfree download. It has not been released in print as a universal RPG¸ but the rules are included in numerous printed games includingChampions: The New Millenium¸Sengoku¸ and other games. It uses attribute + skill + 3d6 vs difficulty. Character creation is by limited point buy (""characteristic points""¸ ""option points""¸ and ""power points"").
""Instant Fuzion"" is a simplified version of the Fuzion system used by theUsagi YojimboandDragonball Zgames. cf theofficial website. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim