Bubblegum Crisis

A cyberpunk RPG based on the Japanese anime series¸ including a lot of background information on the show. It uses theFuzionsystem. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim It"s the year 2033 AD Like a Phoenix¸ the city of MegaTokyo is rising from the ashes of a devastating earthquake. In the twisted canyons of the megalopolis¸ the Knight Sabers¸ a small band of high tech mercenaries¸ fight a lonely battle against the evil GENOM Corporation and its sinister androids¸ the Boomers. Venture into an all too probable future¸ where technology has run amuck¸ and emotion is all that separates Man from Machine. BASED on the hit anime video series¸ the Bubblegum Crisis Roleplaying Game is packed with art and information never before published in English - it"s everything you need to play in the world of 2033. Join the Knight Sabres and the AD Police in their quest to protect MegaTokyo from Genom and their fearsome Boomers¸ or you can create your own adventures with the new FUZION system!