
A small adventure designed to teach you the mechanics of the miminalist TinyD6 system¸ Mad Magicks of the Turned God is an exciting romp to determine the cause of a mysterious event and how to stop it. Written by Brian Fitzpatrick¸ this download features a small adventure¸ six pregenerated Tiny Dungeon 2e Characters¸ and a cheat sheet on how to use the Tiny Dungeon 2e rules. This is not a complete game¸ and is best served by getting the Tiny Dungeon 2e rulebook!
Dive into your Destiny as fast as possible! GALLANT KNIGHT GAMES is happy to present a new supporting product for our underseas Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition campaign setting Destiny of Tides . These file contains ten character options that you can pick and play from¸ using a new quickstart character generation method! Simply check the boxes to select Traits¸ Masteries¸ and fill in some personal details and you're set! To fully utilize these sheets you will need Tiny Dungeon 2e and Destiny of Tides.
Hit the sand as fast as possibe! GALLANT KNIGHT GAMES is happy to present a new supporting product for our slow-motion minimalist roleplaying game about surf¸ sun¸ and safety: Beach Patrol . These file contains six character options that you can pick and play from¸ using a new quickstart character generation method! Simply check the boxes to select Traits¸ Masteries¸ and fill in some personal details and you're set! To fully utilize these sheets you will need Beach Patrol.