
Be it that I've just finished reading a comic or watching a movie¸ or that I've invented a whole world from the ground up¸ I want my friends¸ my family¸ my kin¸ to live inside it for real. To be a part of it. I want to share my dreams¸ not just be fed by the ones the Medias sell."
CARTOMANCY the 54-card RPG is a radical game based on radical choices. We designed it as if it was a fortune telling device because¸ according to us¸ nobody has been able to solve recurrent boring questions about RPG:
1 ‐ How to start playing at a moment's notice.
2 ‐ How to create a character the same way.
3 ‐ How to be able to play just everywhere.
4 ‐ How to get rid of that "math contest” feeling.
5 ‐ How to solve the feedback delay paradigm between telling what you want¸ computing a modifier¸ rolling dice according to this modifier¸ having a rule system digest the modified roll AND EVENTUALLY being told the result.