Lords of Middle Earth Volume 2: The Mannish Races
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In a fantasy role playing game¸ you become a main character in a fantasy adventure you create. With this character compendium you can meet Middle-earth’s most exciting figures! Call them forth to add drama and danger to your fantasy game. Debate GrÃ-ma Wormtongue¸ challenge Ar-PharazÃ'n! Could you outride the Riders of Rohan or withstand the overwhelming presence of the Witch-king of Angmar?
This volume describes the Secondborn¸ the second race to enter Tolkien’s world¸ the Men. Mortal¸ they dominate the later history of Middle-earth¸ and their influence increasingly colors the nature of life in Endor. Each is described in appearance¸ motivation¸ characteristics¸ and background. Game statistics for the MERP and Rolemaster game systems are included. These stats can be easily converted to most major FRP systems.
Inside you’ll find:
NINE NAZGÛL¸ the Witch-king of Angmar and the other Kings who accepted Sauron’s Rings of power and became evil Ringwraiths DÃNEDAIN¸ the High Men of Gondor and Arnor¸ including Denethor¸ Boromir¸ Faramir¸ and Aragorn II (Strider) NÃMENÃ"RIANS¸ Lords like Elros and Ar-Pharazon¸ powerful ancestors of Endor’s Dúnedain¸ the great sea-farers¸ colonizers¸ and conquerors GREAT FIGURES FROM THE WEST¸ including Theóden¸ Eomer¸ Eowyn¸ and Wormtongue from Rohan¸ Bard from Lake-town¸ and the enemies like Wulf and The Mouth of Sauron
This volume describes the Secondborn¸ the second race to enter Tolkiens world¸ the Men. Mortal¸ they dominate the later history of Middle-earth¸ and their influence increasingly colors the nature of life in Endor. Each is described in appearance¸ motivation¸ characteristics¸ and background. Game statistics for the MERP and Rolemaster game systems are included. These stats can be easily converted to most major FRP systems.
Inside youll find:
NINE NAZGÛL¸ the Witch-king of Angmar and the other Kings who accepted Saurons Rings of power and became evil Ringwraiths
DÚNEDAIN¸ the High Men of Gondor and Arnor¸ including Denethor¸ Boromir¸ Faramir¸ and Aragorn II (Strider)
NÚMENÓRIANS¸ Lords like Elros and Ar-Pharazon¸ powerful ancestors of Endors Dúnedain¸ the great sea-farers¸ colonizers¸ and conquerors
GREAT FIGURES FROM THE WEST¸ including Theóden¸ Eomer¸ Eowyn¸ and Wormtongue from Rohan¸ Bard from Lake-town¸ and the enemies like Wulf and The Mouth of Sauron