Creatures of Middle-Earth
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How would you fare against Smaug the Golden? Could your marksmanship find the dragons weak spot? Would your courage withstand the worms fire? Test your powers against Morgoths legacy: the Watcher in the Water outside Durins Doors¸ the huorns of Fangorn Forest¸ the wargs of haunted Hollin¸ and the Balrog of Moria. All these beasts and more appear in the pages of Creatures of Middle-earth.
Creatures details the significant beasts and monsters of Tolkiens world - the kelvar¸ living things that move¸ born of the Great Song¸ such as ravens¸ ulmodili (dolphins)¸ mearas (descendants of Oromeës steed)¸ oliphaunts¸ great eagles¸ crebain¸ the Kirinkir of fallen Númenor¸ and black swans; as well as the twisted things of horn and ivory that dye the earth with blood at Morgoths behest.
Creatures of Middle-earth includes:
BEASTS - everything from the Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains to the Ravens of Erebor to the noisy Neekerbreekers that so annoyed Merry¸ Pippin¸ Sam¸ and Frodo in the Midgewater Marshes. Each animal has a short description preceded by specifics on its size¸ preferred climate¸ and favored environment.
MONSTERS - ranging from the mighty shapechanging Vampires of Morgoth¸ such as Thuringwethil¸ to the Wights guarding the tombs in the Barrow-downs¸ to the sly Crebain that served as Saurons spies.
MAPS - 21 b&w maps depicting where in Endor each creature dwells.
This compendium is a revised version of the sourcebook released in 1988. It includes expanded material on the dragons of Middle-earth¸ many more illustrations¸ and stats for MERP¸ Rolemaster¸ and the Lord of the Rings Adventure Game.