Tiny Supers

A player guide for Tiny Supers! Containing all the player facing rules you need for Tiny Supers¸ whether you are a player or a GM! From character creation¸ through power traits¸ and the core rules of the game¸ we've got you covered! Powered by the minimalist TinyD6 ruleset¸ all you'll need are some six-sided dice¸ this PDF and some 3x5 notecards¸ and you can dig into a stream-lined and stripped down supers roleplaying game! Featuring full-color art from Tiny Supers ¸ and a tight¸ streamlined supers ruleset¸ this product is great for players in Tiny Supers campaigns. This product does not contain the GallantVerse¸ NPC write-ups¸ GM rules¸ or micro-settings that you'll find in the core Tiny Supers book.