Heaven & Earth - The Role-Playing Game of Fate and Destiny

Ist "99 bei Event Horizon erschienen. Twin Peaks als Rsp.
A modern-day occult RPG¸ inspired by surreal TV series like ""Twin Peaks""¸ ""The Outer Limits""¸ and ""Millenium"". It is set in the quiet town of Potter's Lake¸ Kansas -- home to an Air Force base that hosts a ""Project Grayscale"" and many other odd denizens. There is a deep underlying secret outlined in the book. The first edition game uses a diceless system based on playing cards¸ where you first compared attribute plus skill vs task difficulty. If greater¸ you succeed automatically¸ but otherwise you draw a playing card. If it is a number card less than your total you add +1¸ and if it is a face card there are special results. Character creation is limited point-based: distribute 30 points among 12 attributes¸ and 30 points among skills and advantages. The second edition uses the ""Tri-Stat"" system fromBig Eyes¸ Small Mouth. The third edition uses a step die system¸ where you add attribute number plus skill number plus a die roll versus a fixed difficulty of 9. The die rolled varies with difficulty¸ from a d20 for easy tasks to a d4 for nearly impossible ones. Third edition character creation is limited point-based¸ with 14 attribute points and 9 occupation points. Occupations vary in cost based on breadth¸ and have three ranks (Rookie¸ Professional¸ and Veteran). - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim Heaven & Earth is a role-playing game of surrealism¸ horror¸ and absurdity set in the small¸ midwestern town of Potter's Lake. Potter's Lake is a disturbing slice of rural America where quirky townsfolk¸ local legends¸ and sightings of the supernatural abound. Players assume the roles of ordinary people living in this extraordinary town. In time¸ they will unlock the many secrets of Potter's Lake and discover that this small community holds the key to humanity's destiny.