Boot Hill
Wilder Westen Boot Hill ist ein Abstecher in die Welt des Wilden Westens. Im 1st Ed. Dungeon Master Guide waren Konvertierungstabellen drin¸ die den Verdacht nahelegen¸ daß das System grottenschlecht gewesen sein muß. Habe es das letzte Mal Anfang der 90er in einem Rollenspielladen gesehen¸ als Zweitauflage im Complete-Fighter-Format. Das System unterstützt den Spielleiter nur wenig beim Aufbau einer Kampagne oder beim Ausfüllen der Charaktere (Abseits des Colts). Viele (zu viele) Tabellen¸ wie z.B. eine der "Schnellsten Revolverhelden¸ die jemals gelebt haben". Dank an SvenOve Johannson & Lost RPG TreasuresAn early western RPG. It uses a mostly percentile resolution system. Character creation uses random-roll attributes (Strength¸ Coordination¸ Observation¸ Stature¸ and Luck) in the 1-20 range. Skills are point-bought with points based on your attributes. The third edition majorly changed the system¸ revising resolution to use only d6's and d20's instead of percentile rolls. There was a GM's screen and five 32-page adventure modules published for it from 1981 to 1984: ""Mad Mesa""¸ ""Ballots & Bullets""¸ ""Lost Conquistador Mine""¸ ""Burned Bush Wells""¸ and ""Range War"". - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim
The original Boot Hill is almost as old as the hobby of roleplaying¸ having been published in 1975. It was written by Brian Blume and Gary Gygax¸ who might be familiar to a few RPGnet readers. The second edition¸ written by the same team¸ was published in 1979 and some support material was still being released in the early 1980s. Then a period of quiet followed¸ lasting until 1990. That year saw the re-release of several old TSR games¸ of which Boot Hill was one.