Realm of the Ice Queen (2e)
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Caught between the sprawling Empire to the south and the maddening wastes of Chaos is Kislev¸ Realm of the Ice Queen. Legendary for its doughty peoples who stand fast against the ravenous hordes of Chaos spilling out of the north¸ who endure the incredible cold and the barren bleakness that defies their land and yet persevere¸ surviving against all odds. Yet¸ Kislev is more than appalling winters and endless struggles against Chaos; it is a rich land with a fascinating culture and history¸ with a proud people and prouder heritage. It may shield the softer men to the south¸ serving as the first line of defense against destruction¸ but it is fiercely independent¸ strong¸ and enduring.
Realm of the Ice Queen is the definitive sourcebook on Kislev¸ describing this nation in lavish detail. Inside this incredible sourcebook¸ you'll find:
• A detailed overview of Kislev¸ with examinations of its history¸ politics and laws¸ and religions.
• Geographical details¸ guidelines for surviving the oblast¸ and extensive information on Kislev¸ Praag¸ and Erengrad.
• Everything you need to create and play a character in Kislev¸ including new careers¸ new magic rules¸ and pages of new spells.
• A mini-adventure to kick-start your Kislev campaign.
Kislev is a hard land but one ripe for adventure. Whether you're looking for the perfect battlefield to wage war against Chaos or Greenskins or gloomy streets holding countless mysteries and despicable crimes¸ Realm of the Ice Queen is the sourcebook for you.