Monuments of the Reikland
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Five Grim and Perilous Monuments of The Old World
Monuments of the Reikland offers five unique memorials¸ statues¸ and towers¸ perfect for dropping into an ongoing Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaign¸ or used to kick start a new adventure. Each one is packed with colour and detail¸ beautifully illustrated¸ and laced with intrigue.
Wherever you travel in the Empire¸ monuments peer down on you. They stand to commemorate figures from history¸ great events¸ or just the aesthetic tastes of a wealthy noble. Many a bustling market square¸ street corner¸ bridge¸ or gatehouse features a statue or some work of public art. Even in the remotest places¸ folk of lesser means erect crude standing stones or carved wooden memorials. While most of these are just what they seem¸ a handful hold secrets at which the casual observer may only guess.
Monuments of the Reikland Includes :
- The Statue of Burgomeister Holger Rauck: Never well liked¸ the Burgomeister was certain a fine statue would be just the thing to prop up his flagging reputation. The locals disagreed.
- Memorial to the Fallen of the Battle of Auerswald: A memorial to remember an ill fated charge against the goblin hordes of Grom the Paunch¸ a small addition by the stonemason hints at a deeper purpose.
- Von Plotzkanal's Horological Tower: Though Imperial Engineer Gerd von Plotzkanal's crowning achievement eventually drove him mad¸ the people of Kemperbad remain proud of this particularly changeable timepiece.
- The Hawk of Mackenstein: It's origins lost to history¸ the Hawk of Mackenstein is beloved as a good luck charm¸ while sleeping beneath it is said to bring one a long and restful slumber.
- The Paranoth Column: Overlooking the River Schilder¸ the column is said to be a monument to a former Supreme Patriarch from the Jade Order¸ Garvan Paranoth¸ while others claim it was a monument to his folly.
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.© Games Workshop 2020