Middenheim: City of the White Wolf
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Middenheim: City of the White Wolf
Famed for its impregnability¸ set atop the mighty Fauschlag¸ struck flat by Ulric's fist¸ Middenheim commands authority over all who stand beneath its towering presence. Hewn from living rock by peerless Dwarf skill¸ it is a striking fortress city where Ulric¸ the God of War¸ Winter and Wolves¸ reigns supreme. The sacred Eternal Flame burns pure and bright¸ in the heart of a city famed throughout the Old World¸ riven by dark cults¸ clambering merchants¸ and seditious schemers. Middenheim has little room for heroes¸ and less time for wasters¸ but for canny opportunists with the will and grit to carve a small piece of something better? Well¸ they might stand a chance.
Middenheim: City of the White Wolf takes players out of the familiar Grand Province of the Reikland¸ and drops them in the centre of Ulrican influence and power in the Old World. Middenheim sits at the heart of the Empire's Northern expanse¸ and is the perfect setting for endless grim and perilous adventure! Each district of the expansive city is carefully detailed¸ with locations¸ plot hooks and NPCs too numerous to list. A beautifully illustrated map¸ provided with both GM and Player versions¸ shows off the city in exquisite detail. Need an Inn in the Altmarket? A Pawnbroker in The Kleinmoot? Details on the Kisvilite Embassy? Middenheim has everything you require.
Middenheim: City of the White Wolf distils the best of previous writing on the chosen city of Ulric¸ and combines it with new creatures¸ new NPCs¸ new locations¸ and rules to create the ultimate sourcebook for groups wishing to adventure in Middenheim and its surrounds. Full rules for creating Middenheimer¸ Middenlander and Nordlander Characters are included¸ along with a new career for true devotees of Ulric.
A stand-alone book¸ Middenheim: City of the White Wolf also makes an excellent supplement for those intending to run Power Behind the Throne¸ part three of The Enemy Within campaign. While the companion content is very focused on the events of Power Behind the Throne¸ this book provides more details on the city for GMs who are happy to let their groups explore more widely. It details Middenheim around 2512 IC¸ prior to the events of The Enemy Within¸ but includes an appendix with updates on how future events are set to alter the city.
Middenheim: City of the White Wolf includes:
- A History of Middenheim: A timeline of events leading up to the present day¸ detailing the cities past as a stronghold of the Ulrican faith and one time home to the usurper Wolf Emperors
- A Visitors Guide: Eighty pages of detailed locations¸ NPCs and plot hooks set throughout the city's many districts
- Dark Cults of Middenheim: A run down on the cults and conspiracies that make Middenheim their home¸ any one of which could threaten the very fabric of political¸ cultural¸ or religious life in the city
- The Duchy of Middenheim: Middenheim is more than just a city - it also commands the territories that surround it¸ as far away as coastal Nordland. The Duchy of Middenheim provides details on regions directly within ambit of the city¸ as well as the often fractious nobility that control them
- Bestiary¸ Characters and more: Additional beasts¸ new Character options for creating local adventurers¸ and the Wolf Kin career for those willing to embody the spirit of Ulric in all things.
Middenheim: City of the White Wolf is an excellent and entertaining addition to any gaming table. Packed with lore¸ NPCs¸ and exciting adventure hooks¸ it will kickstart your next adventure in War