Death's Dark Shadow rev.
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Death's Dark Shadow ist der Titel eines beliebten Quellen- und Abenteuerbuchs für Warhammer FRP¸ daß bereits seit 1991 OOP ist. Nun legt Hogshead das ganze neu auf. Darn enthalten ist eine Beschreibung der Stadt Kreutzhofen¸ ein Abenteuer-Paket ($18¸ 128 pages). [Quelle: Wizard's Attic]
The book deals with a small town called Kreutzhofen in the southern Empire. This town has the virtue of having direct transport links with the Empire¸ Bretonnia¸ Tilea and the Border Princes! The town itself is described in great detail¸ virtually every building and NPC has a section of dedicated text. With this there are a large number of scenarios¸ ideas and such like. The centrepiece of these is The Curse of the Reichenbachs¸ a fifteen page scenario. Finishing off the book are statistics and brief details of several NPCs found in the Warhammer Novels.