Weather balloons. Swamp gas. Low-flying planes. We have all heard the excuses given by government suits¸ news hacks¸ and close-lipped military officers. But the truth¸ as they say ‐ is out there. For decades¸ maybe centuries ‐ even millennia ‐ they have visited us. Short¸ thin gray beings bent on exploring ‐ or maybe conquering and exploiting ‐ Terra. They pilot starships that are technologically advanced beyond anything Humanity had in the 20th and 21st centuries: archetypically saucer-shaped but there are other shapes as well. Terrans designate these ships as "Unidentified Flying Objects" ‐ or UFOs. This supplement allows you to combine such advanced alien craft¸ as well as their Reticulan crews¸ into your science-fiction role-playing campaign.
We present you with eight UFO designs based on classic Reticulan spacecraft shapes from UFO lore. They come complete with high-resolution deck plans¸ color renders¸ and full game stats for the Cepheus Engine We also provide rules for generating Reticulan characters¸ as well as a general description of the Reticulan species. We also provide several Cepheus Engine variant rules appropriate for the starships included in this booklet.
The background for this booklet is¸ by default¸ Stellagama Publishing's These Stars Are Ours! space-opera setting for the Cepheus Engine. However¸ we designed the booklet so that everything is readily and directly useable in any science-fiction setting envisioned by the Cepheus Engine SRD¸ Cepheus Light¸ and similar OGL 2D6 Sci-Fi games.
However¸ These Stars Are Ours! presents significantly more information regarding Reticulans¸ as well as more Reticulan character generation options. We highly recommend that any Referee or player interested in Gray Aliens¸ or the default detailed background behind these UFOs¸ refer to this book.
For the sake of completeness¸ we have also included three ships originally presented in These Stars Are Ours! ‐ the Abductor¸ the Civilian Saucer¸ and the Military Saucer.