The New Era: Regency Combat Vehicle Guide
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All was gone of the Imperium except for one isolated outpost¸ a frontier backwater called The Marches¸ barely one-tenth the size of the Imperium. Facing their destruction¸ these people resolved to carry on the promise of the dead Imperium and preserve its heritage for the future...
The sword¸ or more properly¸ the cutlass of the highly trained Marine assault forces is wielded by pure TL-15 forces equipped with such vehicles as the legendary Imperial Marine Grav APC¸ Imperial Marine Fire Support APC¸ Imperial Marine Assault Gun¸ the Norris Battle Tank¸ and the Imperial Meson Artillery Vehicle.
The Armys forces provide the major mass of Regency military power¸ and are expressed by such vehicles as the TL-15 Imperial APC and its Fire Support¸ Command¸ and Fire Direction Center variants¸ the TL-15 Heavy Grav Tank¸ the TL-14 Trepida grav tank family¸ and a variety of support units¸ including the Imperial Artillery Vehicles¸ Point Defense APCs¸ Nuclear Damper Carriers¸ Grav Sled¸ and Imperial Recovery Vehicle.
Sword and Shield
For centuries¸ the mighty Third Imperium was defended by the most powerful¸ sophisiticated fighting vehicles ever created by humanity. These vehicles of the Imperial Army and Marines provided security and reassurance as humanity expanded to bring life to the stars¸ and defended them when those stars instead returned death. The Third Imperium did not win all of its wars¸ but it did grow to become the largest interstellar society ever known¸ though the ingenuity of its explorers and builders and the courage of its soldiers.
And then¸ tragically¸ the people of the Imperium turned these most powerful weapons onto each other¸ destroying all that they had together built over a millennium of progress. When the irresistible force of Imperial attack met the immovable object of Imperial defense¸ the shock rocked the galaxy and all that this great society had once been¸ all that it still had promised¸ all was gone.
Except for one last spark of hope.
The RegencyAll was gone of the Imperium except for one isolated outpost¸ a frontier backwater called "The Marches¸" barely one-tenth the size of the Imperium. Facing their destruction¸ these people resolved to carry on the promise of the dead Imperium and preserve its heritage for the future.
Here¸ in the new Regency¸ Imperial armed forces did not fight each other¸ because humanity¸ finally aware of its fragility¸ faced the darkness around it with unity¸ and the might of the formed Imperial armed forces raillied to the banner of the Regency. Once again¸ the most powerful destructive forces of humainity were pledged to its protection¸ not its destuction.
Now¸ for the first time in the history of Traveller¸ a single book¸ the Regency Combat Vehicle Guide¸ presents the primary combat vehicles of the Regency's "Thunderbolt¸" its planetary armed forces and its two main branches: the "Sword" of Regency Marines and the "Shield" of the Army.
The SwordThe sword¸ or more properly¸ the cutlass of the highly trained Marine assault forces is wielded by pure TL-15 forces equipped with such vehicles as the legendary Imperial Marine Grav APC¸ Imperial Marine Fire Support APC¸ Imperial Marine Assault Gun¸ the Norris Battle Tank and the Imperial Marine Meson Artillery Vehicle.
The ShieldThe Army's forces provide the major mass of the Regency military power¸ and are expressed by such vehicles as the TL-15 Imperial APC and its Fire Support¸ Comman¸ and Fire Direction Center variants¸ the TL-15 Heavy Grav Tank¸ the TL-14 Trepida grav tank family¸ and a variety of support units¸ including the Imperial Artillery Vehicles¸ Point Defense APCs¸ Nuclear Damper Carriers¸ GRav Sled and Imperial Recovery Vehicles.
Wield the ThunderboltIf you've been a Traveller military fanatic for years¸ locked in your basement with Striker while your family desperately bangs on the door or if youa re a relative newcomer¸ locked in your basement with Striker II this is the book you've been waiting for. Even if you're not a miniature player¸ but simply like to let your mind soar trough the future with Traveller's carefully detailed and visualized high-tech military forces¸ the Regency Combat Vehicle Guide provides extensive hardware detail ready for use in your Traveller campaign and plenty of grist for your unbounded imagination.
32 TL-14 and 15 combat vehicles and variants in all¸ with 22 illustrations by Kirck Wescom¸ Traveller's premier technology illustrator.
Details of 40 Regency Marine and 19 Army units with their locations and duties.
Each vehicle entry discusses the Imperial and Regency military do