Referee's Aid 4: A Guide to Star Systems
A star system consists of one or more stars plus whatever planets¸ comets and asteroids orbit it. Composition can vary a lot but for every star system there is a designated mainworld. This is almost always the most populous planet in the system¸ and will have this status for some good reason. Usually this means good habitability or resources¸ though there are sometimes other reasons why a world is settled. Where there is no obvious mainworld¸ one is usually selected based upon its relative position to the system's primary (star). This might be an airless rockball in some systems¸ and another world could in theory be designated mainworld if the system is later settled and a different planet is chosen as the main location. Written by fan-favourite M J Dougherty¸ A Guide to Star Systems is an invaluable addition to the Referee's Aid series¸ exploring the different systems of the galaxy and discovering how they can be used to influence campaigns.
A star system consists of one or more stars plus whatever planets¸ comets and asteroids orbit it. Composition can vary a lot but for every star system there is a designated mainworld. This is almost always the most populous planet in the system¸ and will have this status for some good reason. Usually this means good habitability or resources¸ though there are sometimes other reasons why a world is settled. Where there is no obvious mainworld¸ one is usually selected based upon its relative position to the system's primary (star). This might be an airless rockball in some systems¸ and another world could in theory be designated mainworld if the system is later settled and a different planet is chosen as the main location.
"A Guide to Star Systems is an invaluable addition to the Referee's Aid series¸ exploring the different systems of the galaxy and discovering how they can be used to influence campaigns.