Wealth¸ Status¸ and Society
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This game aid is meant to transform the tracking of character wealth from an accounting exercise that can feel rather divorced from the rest of the game¸ to an integrated piece of the narrative that many prefer to be the backbone of a campaign. Using this system¸ the Games Master and players alike might more naturally identify opportunities for further adventures and character development.
In addition to material wealth¸ these guidelines address related concepts of status¸ class¸ reputation¸ and societal organization. Building upon and synthesizing ideas and rules from core MYTHRAS¸ its supplements¸ and other sources¸ Wealth¸ Status¸ and Society presents a cohesive toolkit for addressing how a character fits into the larger milieu of culture and civilization in your game world.
To be clear¸ Wealth¸ Status¸ and Society has been crafted specifically for the MYTHRAS gaming system. Any compatibility with other systems is fortuitous. You may find some inspiration here¸ though.
You are free to use this material in your own game world¸ for fun. If you are interested in doing more than that¸ such as incorporating it into a scenario or campaign setting for publication¸ please contact us.
Wealth¸ Status¸ and Society is offered as Pay What You Want. If you like it¸ please consider leaving a tip¸ but in any case it's yours for the taking. Happy gaming!
OLD BONES PUBLISHING strives to provide high-quality writing in a stylish¸ minimalistic presentation. Thanks for your interest! Please direct any question or feedback to old.bones.publishing@gmail.com.