Sun County: Runequest Adventures in the Lands of the Sun
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Sun County (Prax) is a small enclave of staunchly independent farmers. Their stubborn ways have resisted nomads¸ famine and drought for centuries. Strangers are not welcome in the Lands of the Sun¸ but many are drawn there by the promise of gold¸ fame¸ and adventure. Do you dare enter the Sun Dome lands? Sun County is a Gloranthan campaign supplement for the RuneQuest roleplaying game. Sun County contains: * Four scenarios ready for play. * Extensive historical notes on Sun County and its culture. * Profiles of important persons and peoples of the region. * New full description of Yelmalio cult. * Extensive detailed encounter tables. * Personal notes and observations of Jaxarte Whyded¸ Commissioner of the Imperial Census¸ on his travels through the land. * Sundry useful and ornamental details of interest to the Gloranthan scholar.