A fantasy-genre RPG set in the original world of Glorantha. Glorantha is a low-tech world (often bronze age) where religion¸ cults¸ and magic are of constant importance. It uses a percentile skill-based system which was later published separately as the Basic Roleplaying system. Action resolution is by rolling under skill (0-100) on percentile dice¸ or by roll on a ""resistance table"" which compares opposed attributes (with +/- 5% per attribute point). Character creation uses random-roll attributes (3-18)¸ and skills selected by profession. It includes several magic systems¸ including a involved Runic Magic system. Magical power could be boosted by secrets learned in various cults. The third and fourth editions separated the system and magic from the setting of Glorantha¸ though Glorantha was still one of the setting choices. - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim"