Jorthans Rescue Redux
When a Lunar noblewoman stumbles into your village and asks for your help¸ saying that her husband has been kidnapped by trolls¸ what do you do? This is the set-up for Jorthan's Rescue Redux¸ an update of Jorthan's Rescue¸ the classic RuneQuest mini-scenario by Stephen R. Marsh and John Sapienza Jr. which originally appeared in White Dwarf #19 in 1980. This new version has been rewritten for use with Chaosium. Inc.'s RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha and relocated to Sartar¸ whilst retaining the original's flexibility to be set anywhere where troll brigands might be found. It is a simple¸ straightforward adventure suitable to be played by characters with a few adventures under their belts. It includes all new artwork and maps and nineteen NPCs¸ including two who could become Player Characters. Published in co-operation with Beer with Teeth.