Denizens of Tozer
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This game aid presents ten characters who could be used in the Old Bones scenario Savage Swords Against the Necromancer¸ as alternates to those provided¸ or for additional personae if there were more than three players. Of course they could be used in any other scenario as well¸ keeping in mind that they have been created specifically for a Sword and Sorcery setting. In accord with the genre¸ none of these individuals knows magic¸ and some of them are rather villainous. There are notable exceptions¸ too¸ in case one prefers to stretch or challenge the classic tropes.
These characters present a diversity of attitudes and skills. Some are good fighters¸ while others practice nonviolence. Some can actually read and write¸ while others barely speak the local language. Some were born in the city¸ but others have arrived from far away¸ thanks to the vicissitudes of fate. Some are sophisticated and full of guile¸ whereas others are simple and sincere. Some are ignorant¸ while others are wise in legend¸ lore¸ and craft. Each is driven by personal Passions ranging from greed¸ vengeance¸ and physical craving to loyalty and human kindness.
These Denizens of Tozer have been created for the MYTHRAS gaming system¸ and should be fairly portable to other d100 systems. Characters are not merely their statistics¸ of course¸ and with that in mind their personalities¸ histories¸ and other defining qualities could be translated to any game system.
You are free to use this material in your own game world¸ for fun. If you are interested in doing more than that¸ such as incorporating it into a scenario or campaign setting for publication¸ please contact us.
Individuals: Denizens of Tozer is offered as Pay What You Want. If you like it¸ please consider leaving a tip¸ but in any case it's yours for the taking. Happy gaming!
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