Coddefut's Stipule - TDM700
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What is afoot in Silkspindle Tower?
A small town on the Dahaut coast has a distinct problem: its fishermen are going missing¸ vanishing from the seas with their boats and catches¸ never to be seen again. People are scared; could this have something to do with the wizard Coddefut who once lived in the tower? Never! He disappeared 20 years before¸ so perhaps this is mere coincidence.
But Moribund¸ the devious burghermeister of the town¸ sees this as an opportunity. There are several individuals in the community who are especially vexatious to him¸ and this is a chance to prove that he¸ Moribund¸ is not a man to be vexed. Thus¸ these persons of interest have been gathered together and ordered¸ as a matter of civic duty¸ to venture out onto Coddefut's abandoned island¸ and investigate.
Coddefut's Stipule offers an introduction to the incredible world of Lyonesse¸ as described in Jack Vance's acclaimed fantasy trilogy: 'Suldrun's Garden'¸ 'The Green Pearl'¸ and 'Madouc'. The adventure is also a taster for the Lyonesse roleplaying game being produced by The Design Mechanism¸ and gives a sneak peak at some of the wonderful rules and magic the game will include to simulate Jack Vance's inimitable style.
Complete with 6 pregenerated characters¸ Coddefut's Stipule is fully compatible with the Mythras (and Mythras Imperative) rules¸ and is ready for play.