Robin Hood: A Giant Outlaw Campaign
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Robin Hood ist so"n Iron Crown Enterprises-Quellenband über; na; Du weißt schon; wenig zum eigentlichen Thema; aber reichlich 20 nette Begegnungen; die ein Wegelagerer von Welt so haben kann und echt hilfreich; falls jemand mal ne Bruder-Cadfael-Kampagne spielen will; es enthält nämlich eine Karte der Grafschaften südlich von Shrewsbury. ("SvenOve Johannson" "Robin Hood". Von Iron Crown. Viel Hintergrundmaterial für"s mittelalterliche England; das ich schon in mehr als einer Kampagne verarbeitet habe (z.B. prima für Ars Magica zu verwenden). (Reimer Behrends)
Klappentext: Norman taxation has driven your village to the brink of poverty. Lucky is the man who has a few crumbs left after his day’s meal. Your errands have brought you to a seldom-traveled path through the Forest of Sherwood. Suddenly you find yourself surrounded by ruffians. Their mocking laughter echoes defiantly through the foliage. A man of surprisingly noble bearing approaches you. Your fears are calmed as you realize who stands before you … . Now you can join Robin and his merry men¸ the greatest outlaws of all time! Experience 11th and 12th century England under the yoke of the Norman conquerors. Defend the poor folk of Nottinghamshire and Sherwood Forest against the wily Sheriff of Nottingham. ROBIN HOOD brings you a wealth of outlaw adventure set in two different settings. The first takes the characters to the Forest of Dean on the Welsh Marches. The second is based on the famous legend of Robin Hood set in Sherwood Forest. ROBIN HOOD incudes: • Complete campaign background and guidelines. • New professions and skills keyed to medieval England. • Stats for Robin¸ his men¸ the Sheriff¸ etc. • Over 50 specific encounters and adventures! • Detailed castle¸ abbey and town layouts. ROBIN HOOD is specifically designed for the ROLEMASTER¸ MERP¸ and FANTASY HERO game systems. It is also easily adapted to most other FRP systems. ROBIN HOOD¸ outlaw adventure at its best!-