Palladium Game Master Kit
This kit is geared to make your job as a Palladium Game Master easier and to help you promote Palladium Books. The kit includes the following:
- Game Master Reference Sheet - This is a cheat sheet for the Game Master. Vital Game Master information is available at your fingertips.
- Rifts Combat Matrix - This useful Game Master aid will allow you to streamline combat in your game¸ organize initiative rolls and easily keep track of number of attacks.
- Rifts Skill List - Need to look up a skill percentage or even W.P. bonuses? This is not only a useful Game Master tool¸ but an excellent aid when creating characters.
- Alphabetized Spell Sheet - This quick reference for magic users lists all spells that are currently in print in the Rifts Book of Magic¸ along with the page number. Again¸ this is another dual purpose aid for both Game Masters and players.
- 'Borg Worksheet - Need to design a 'Borg as a pre-generated character? These worksheets allow you to customize your 'Borg character and easily keep track of all of the 'Borg's cybernetic and bionic enhancements.
- Rifts Mini-Posters - The mini-posters can be used to advertise the game you are running at your local store or convention. Post them at your table or where allowed at the convention. Finally¸ if anyone is interested in receiving Weekly Updates and Press Releases from Palladium¸ have them write down their email addresses and pass the list along to Palladium Books.
- Rifts Character Sheets & G.M. Logs - These are the classic character sheets¸ G.M. Experience Log¸ Mercenary Company Sheet¸ Robot Combat/Vehicle Log and Traveling Show Creation Sheet. They're also available for free on our website¸ but we thought we'd save you some time and include them here.
- Rifts Sample Characters - 20 complete characters to hand out to players¸ use as NPCs¸ etc.