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Cloaks¸ the fourth source book for 'Over the Edge¸' serves to expand the role of Al Amarja's secret agents¸ or cloaks. Rather than letting this book slip into mediocrity¸ Cloaks carries on the edgy intelligence and psychosexual surrealism that worked so well up until now. The fever-dream continues. Cloaks is not for players.There is a bizarre location¸ a gaggle of characters¸ some adventure seeds¸ a fleshed out plot¸ info on the cloak's business¸ and some toys to empower or decimate player characters. A nice mix.
Whoever you are¸ do not hesitate.
This long-awaited book is¸ according to highly placed sources in several supranational intelligence organizations¸ a carefully encrypted communication. Sleeper agents receiving this transmission will understand what to do. Decode and follow the hidden instructions. Your years of training are coming to fruition; your years of silent immersion among these strangers you pretend to know will soon be at an end.
For the rest of you reading this - well¸ this remains on the face of it a sourcebook of secret agents for the Over the Edge role-playing game of surreal danger. It includes the gadgets and fringe powers of Al Amarja's secret agents (known as "cloaks")¸ new characters to bring into your series¸ a major plot revolving around secret agents¸ plus lots of smaller story ideas to put everything in the book to good use. In short¸ it is a book that no Over the Edge GM should go without.
So whoever you are¸ do not hesitate. Buy this book.