WatchGuard Solo: Alpha-Elite (3e)
Right from the pages of the best-selling WatchGuard Sourcebook comes the "Spider-Squirrel" (and friends... and enemies) WG Solo series! Introducing ALPHA-ELITE!! Never-before-available in any format! This newest solo release features a mega-powerful¸ and mega-arrogant¸ hero from the WGU! YOU GOTTA BUY THIS RELEASE RIGHT NOW!!!! MOSTLY BECAUSE HIS SPONSORS DEMAND IT!!! Introducing the metahuman that needs no introduction¸ but we'll give you one anyway cuz... well¸ because. Here's ALPHA-ELITE! The mega-powered metahuman hero who is happy to sign your autographs for a small fee! He'll be at several conventions in 2018¸ and will always be available for your brand's commercial attempts (provided the price is right; please see his agent for details). The world is a better place with a hero like Alpha-Elite out there! Mostly... GET YOUR COPY OF ALPHA-ELITE TODAY! Each of these entries is related to the WatchGuard Universe as depicted in The WatchGuard Sourcebook¸ available for download here. Throughout the coming weeks¸ as we prepare newer products for your enjoyment¸ we'll deliver new characters to you as WatchGuard Solos! GAME ON!!!