Iconic Legends: Dragon Fist
Immortal Fighter of the Innocent Despite being one of the most talented martial artists in the world¸ Jonathan Rockford was seen as nothing more than a Hollywood B-movie action star. John's life turned towards the strange when he was invited to compete in a tournament of Immortal Fighters. John was delighted to participate; believing that the prize of "immortality" was meant as fame and glory. In the end¸ John faced down the final challenge: the black dragon Xuanlong. With his final punch¸ he felled the beast and its essence transferred to the victorious fighter. Unfortunately¸ the other Immortal Fighters were not finished with the champion. They followed him¸ seeking his prize¸ and endangering innocents with their deadly weapons and battles. To protect mankind from the antics of these Immortal Fighters¸ Jonathan retreated from the public eye. At night¸ however¸ Jonathan adopted the identity of "Dragon Fist: Immortal Fighter of the Innocent." (PL 9) When Jonathan's girlfriend¸ Porsche Pembrose¸ helped found White Hats Incorporated¸ Jonathan supported her as a partner and employee. As Dragon Fist¸ Jonathan has sworn to use his fighting skills to help others. Iconic Legends. Because sometimes you a need a character everyone knows¸ even if they're meeting them for the first time. ICONS and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Steve Kenson and Ad Infinitum Adventures¸ and are used under license. Illustrated by Jacob E. Blackmon¸ and designed by Jacob E. Blackmon and Mike Lafferty!