Kingdom of Osmark Regional Sourcebook
At the northern tip of Durine lies the Kingdom of Osmark -- a land so rugged and harsh that only the unyielding Northmen could ever hope to tame it. Osmark is a land of cold seas and smokey mountains¸ forest and fen; of small fishing communities and the ruins of forgotten people. Though its inhabitants profess Christian beliefs and values¸ the legacy of their Viking ancestors remains a part of everyday life here. Bloody feuds¸ slavery and random acts of violence are as much a threat to life as the unforgiving weather and terrain¸ never mind the dangers posed by ravenous trolls¸ evil spirits and the restless dead. This overview and index to the Kingdom of Osmark includes a large poster map and new archetypes. It also includes the new playable character race Trollborn. Designed for the Mhâr Fantasy RPG¸ but suitable for any similar RPG system.