Oriental Adventures: The Complete Exotic Arms Guide
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In the distant land of Rokugan¸ samurai and ninja wield weapons unknown to outsiders. Entire sects of warriors devoted to absolute mastery over strange and unusual weapons struggle to perfect their bodies and their art. Discover their secrets¸ and learn some of the deadliest fighting styles in all of Rokugan.
"The Complete Exotic Arms Guide is a compendium of weapons used by samurai¸ and others¸ in Rokugan beyond the ever-present katana. From the tetsubo-wielding legions of the Crab Clan to the elite jitte style practiced by the Doji magistrates to the bizarre gaijin weaponry mastered by the Unicorn¸ this book contains dozens of new and improved weapons ready for use in any d20 campaign.
A samurai is defined by the daisho - katana and wakizashi¸ these weapons are the soul of a true warrior. Yet these are not the only weapons one will find in the Empire of Rokugan. A thousand years of cunning generals¸ expert warriors¸ and master weaponsmiths have brought about a vast arsenal¸ ready to be drawn upon by a clever samurai.
Now that arsenal is yours.
Within¸ you will find:
- New styles of katana¸ crafted by specific families throughout the Empire.
- New ninja weapons and nonhuman weapons as well as a large collection of new samurai weapons.
- New styles of armor¸ fantastic for protecting one's character against all these new weapons.
- New magic items specific to each samurai clan¸ ready to be incorporated into any campaign.
- New siege weapons for large scale battles.
This book is a dual-system supplement for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game¸ Second Edition¸ and Rokugan¸ the d20 Companion for Legend of the Five Rings. Players and DMs may also find it useful as a source of interesting new feats and abilities for any d20 System campaign.
Game Masters running the Second Edition L5R RPG will need a copy of the Legend of the Five Rings Game Master's Guide and the Player's Guide. Players need only the Player's Guide.
Dungeon Masters running d20 System games will need a copy of the Player's Handbook¸ the Dungeon Master's Guide¸ Oriental Adventures¸ and Rokugan. Players will need only aPlayer's Handbook.