Legende der fünf Ringe / Legend of the five Rings

A medieval fantasy-genre RPG¸ set in the world of Rokugan where clans struggle for dominance. The names¸ appearance¸ and other features are Japanese-based¸ but there are also European influences. The ""five rings"" are the elements of Air¸ Earth¸ Fire¸ Water¸ and Void which group the basic attributes. It uses a dice pool system where you roll a number of d10s equal to attribute + skill¸ keep a number equal to attribute¸ and sum them. This is modified: rolls of ten add an extra roll¸ and in contests you throw out dice less than the opposing attribute. Character creation is skill-based¸ with a choice of 7 clans and 2 professions: bushi (warrior) or shugenja (mage). - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim In this role-playing game set in the unique world of the L5R CCG¸ players take on the role of noble samurai of the Great Houses of Rokugan¸ and defend themselves against the dangers that walk the night both mortal¸ and otherwise. Sword-wielding bushi¸ mystic shugenja and more populate the Empire¸ and heroic deeds can win as much glory as warfare. Only the brave are ready to adventure through the dangers of Rokugan¸ a land where honor is more important than life¸ and death is always a katana"s length away.