Clanbook 19: Way of the Ninja
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Jetzt geht5 es bei Alderac erst einmal mit der (auch-) D20-Reihe weiter: 'Way of the Ninja' ist ein D20-Quellenbuch für *uff* 32.50 Euro. 'Way of the Ninja is the definitive sourcebook for ninja characters in Legend of the Five Rings. It features historical background for Rokugani ninja as well as new mechanical options for ninja characters playing in both the traditional Alderac system as well as the d20 system. This book reveals previously unrevealed information about ninja schools in Rokugan¸ shinobi magic¸ and the tools of espionage and assassination vital to the ninja's trade.' Das ganze kommt mit ist kompatibel zum Alderac-System aber eben auch zum d20-System und listet neue Regeln feats und Ausrüstung. Ach ja¸ eine geschichtliche Beziehung zum Sammelkartenspiel hat das ganze auch noch... Die eierlegende Wollmilchsau? Ob das was taucht...
Way of the Ninja is the definitive sourcebook for ninja characters in Legend of the Five Rings. It features historical background for Rokugani ninja as well as new mechanical options for ninja characters playing in both the traditional Alderac system as well as the d20 system. This book reveals previously unrevealed information about ninja schools in Rokugan¸ shinobi magic¸ and the tools of espionage and assassination vital to the ninja's trade. ° Set in the Gold Edition timeline. An excellent jump-on point for new players. ° Compatible with the traditional Alderac game system and the popular d20 system. ° Ninja have traditionally been extremely popular with players and GM's alike. ° New rules¸ feats¸ and equipment for ninja will appeal even to non-L5R d20 players. ° Strong continuity with the L5R CCG.