Iridium Lite Core System Reference
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The Iridium Lite System Core Reference is a Lite version of HinterWelt's RPG Engine. It powers the games Squirrel Attack! and Supers Inc. It has been used for five years of cross genre play in both in-print and pdf products. In essence¸ it is a skill based system using a flexible point-buy experience spending to present a simple yet realistic system. The Iridium Light System is designed to be modified and is provided fully as Open Content under the Open Game License.
This book is a free reference for use in play or in generating adventures for use in our settings. We hope you enjoy this book and contact Bill Corrie with any questions.
What's Inside Character Generation¸ step by step instruction. Karma¸ its use as a drama tool. Skills¸ what makes them tick and rules on creating your own. Equipment¸ examples of how they work and what fits in different settings. Combat¸ initiative¸ hit locations¸ parrying¸ disarming¸ and optional rules. Magic¸ focused on our Free Form system. All in six pages.
This book has no setting included but has references to all of HinterWelt's current setting books including Squirrel Attack! or Supers Inc.
Products from HinterWelt Enterprises Don't forget about our online support at including
our online character generator¸ the CHARGen.
T he Iridium Lite System Core Reference is a Lite version of HinterWelt's RPG Engine. It powers the games Squirrel Attack! and Supers Inc. It has been used for five years of cross genre play in both in-print and pdf products. In essence¸ it is a skill based system using a flexible point-buy experience spending to present a simple yet realistic system. The Iridium Light System is designed to be modified and is provided fully as Open Content under the Open Game License.
This book is a free reference for use in play or in generating adventures for use in our settings. We hope you enjoy this book and contact Bill Corrie with any questions.
What's Inside Character Generation¸ step by step instruction. Karma¸ its use as a drama tool. Skills¸ what makes them tick and rules on creating your own. Equipment¸ examples of how they work and what fits in different settings. Combat¸ initiative¸ hit locations¸ parrying¸ disarming¸ and optional rules. Magic¸ focused on our Free Form system. All in six pages.
This book has no setting included but has references to all of HinterWelt's current setting books including Squirrel Attack! or Supers Inc.
Products from HinterWelt Enterprises Don't forget about our online support at including
our online character generator¸ the CHARGen.