World Guide
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his is the beginning of an Open Gaming License world. Optional details such as some names of areas¸ planet statistics¸ solar system facts¸ a calendar¸ temperature¸ measurement system¸ and location of common animals are included.
Creatures have references to some D20 SRD online creatures. Also page numbers to several open-ended D100 products are listed. An added PDF has additional references to BFRPG¸ WEG D6¸ and DW SRD.
An official map of areas being developed is also provided in JPG format.
A few maps are included. More maps are included in the other e-book Aioskoru OGL World Maps. And you can upgrade to the premium Aioskoru World Atlas for a low price.
The author may continue to create some content for the world for his version of the world. He may even continue to create OGL content if there further interest indicated by donations.
More detailed maps of Aioskoru can be found in the author's Quick free world maps using GIMP filters and Donjon fractal maps