Rolemaster Fanzine 30
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This month is Issue 30. This month continues the RMu adventure path with the 8th episode.
Writing this issue had the feel of a bit of a climax. It marks the end of what was originally The City of Forgotten Heroes on the RolemasterBlog but of course it is not the end of the characters adventure.
Intermittently on the blog I have been talking about a Space Master retro-clone I have been working on. It was always talked about as a one person project in as much as I wasn't putting stuff out for public scrutiny and discussion. In September all that changed and there is an article in this months issue to bring you up to date.
We have crossed a notional milestone in RMu's development. In the September Director's Briefing Nicholas was talking very much about RMu being in his editing queue. That is significant in that September 22nd marked 100 days until the end of 2019. Nicholas said in January that RMu would be resolved one way or another this year.
There is a fair chunk of this issue that is carried forward from the previous issue. The same random encounter tables are in play¸ the same NPCs remain. Your versions from last month are more accurate than mine as they may have had several encounters with the PCs by now and I have no way of knowing who is alive and who is dead.
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