Rolemaster Fanzine 09
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Welcome to Issue 9 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month we have three adventures for you. In Raging Bull there are two concepts depending on how your group operates. Most fantasy games are very much European in outlook but there are hints at possible adventures in a more exotic African styled world suggested by an NPC that the players never get to meet. For those of a more action pack nature there is the chance to confront your players with a full on stampede of cattle in very confined places. There are some things in life you cannot parry and a charging bullock is one of them.
In The Sprites of Amelie you get a merry band of invisible sprites out to assist a party member to battle evil¸ whether the party want it or not! To start the party may not even know they are being helped. The sprites are looking for a paladin¸ can your player characters live up to their expectations?
Titanic is an adventure set on a ship (shock¸ horror¸ gasp!) and it will probably sink. In the deepest part of the ocean a dark priest attempts to summon his dark gods servant and sacrifice all on board.
In addition we have the first of a new regular Shadow World section. This time we are reproducing Brian Hanson's Shadow World encounter tables.
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