HARPers Bazaar 12
Klappentext: Welcome to the twelfth issue of the HARPerâ�™s Bazaar. In this issue I bring you some additions to the Condensed Combat Rules from HARPerâ�™s Bazaar #11. The rest of the issue is devoted to Cyradon. We present you with four new Clerical Orders. A Clerical Order for one of the Anias Shrine Deities; one for one of the Rhona totems¸ the Gryphon Varaghra¸ and finally the Arali Asyr. Both the Varaghra and the Asyr built off of the Shaman profession from HARPerâ�™s Bazaar #6¸ so you will want to make sure that you have a copy of it handy. And to finish off the issue¸ we give you an addendum to the section on Mist Walking from Cyradon. In this addendum¸ we tell how the Arali Weavers accomplish Mist Walking. Enjoy!