Combat & Conditions (5x) (5e)
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5e x 5 Combat & Condition
This is the two column version of the SRD. It has the released information in the 5e SRD converted to a d100 skill and combat system with a little additional OGL material to help fill in a few spots. It is a B&W and doesn't have any illustrations nor graphics.
This version is 43 pages.
It makes available a more compact version of the SRD which makes finding material quicker due to reduced page count. Margins are narrow¸ page numbers are set on the upper outside corner¸ headers stat broad sections¸ and a black cover is attached to the first page. This is primarily intended to be a compact digital version or a front and back printed version (if printer settings are set to darken the text) held together with a paperclip¸ binding clip¸ or one or more staples.
The d20 into d100 conversion projectIn this project¸ we sought to increase the available d100 OGL content. This converts an alternative core that can be used by those that like rolling two ten sided dice for their RPG gaming.
Our method was to change SRDv5.1¸ a few d20 OGL sources¸ some PRD¸ and a little SRDv3.5 from ability scores¸ skills¸ and saves that are d20 based (from values 1 to 30 into values 1 to 150)¸ bonuses that are d20 based (from values -5 to +10 into values -25 to +50)¸ and while preserving the multiple sided damage and hit points system. thousands of numbers were converted.
Core Books (two column versions available)Spells has a background scroll version.
Characters has some border background graphics.
These current versions do not have any other images.
A. Two-column
This version was our first upgrade which uses a combination of narrower margins and two-columns to compact the text significantly. There are neither illustrations nor artwork.
B. Commercially available art
This version uses commercially available art Peter found from several sources. Because of this¸ you may see art pieces found in other works. It uses creative commons¸ clip art¸ and public domain art.
C. Co-author Art version
It has all the features of the previous version with art found by Peter and also includes art by Ken of monsters that were not chosen or available with the commercially available art. Those pieces make this product a more unique version of the monster book.
Feature Chart
Two- Column ($1)
Commercially available art ($5)
Co-author Art ($6)
Single column
Standard margins
Double column¸ more compact
Narrow margins
60+ CC-SA¸ Public Domain¸ Clip Art
10+ Co-author Art
Art may expand