Generations: A game of Ancestry and Rebirth. When you die¸ you return. In Generations¸ players act as humans in an alternate Earth where¸ when you die¸ a new incarnation of your lineage is born. Every time someone is born¸ they are keyed to a unique element. Take to the streets with your power over the element of Zone¸ and alter what is accepted and what is taboo everywhere you go. Become a famed comedian by tapping into the Joy in your audience. Take work as a professional cook¸ thanks to your control over Heat. Become a national threat with your power of Radiation. But more than anything¸ prepare to die. The world is full of people with wild powers. Sometimes accidents happen¸ and sometimes "accidents" happen. Crime can be lucrative with the proper powers¸ but it is incredibly deadly when the police force has powers of its own. Get what you deserve from living hard¸ or get what someone else deserved by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Die¸ but then live again. Generations uses a simple¸ 2d6+points bet from attribute pools¸ set against difficulties as given by the Story Leader¸ to take all actions. This system also works seamlessly with the elemental powers that players are given¸ and allows the rolls to be simple and clear¸ while the roleplay can be much more creative and open-ended. Generations is a unique system that has plans for when characters die¸ and actively encourages the action to gain more unique powers.