Denizens of Earthdawn 1 (1e)
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The eight name-giving races of Barsaive form the heart and soul of the land. They share many many experiences and beliefs¸ but have their own cultures and traditions. Each race is unique and together they breathe life into the land of Barsaive.
Denizens of Earthdawn¸ Volume 1 provides an in-depth look at four of the races of Barsaive: Tskrang: flamboyant¸ reptilian beings whose swashbuckling bravado reflects their zest for life. Humans: versatile enough to learn the skills and talents of every race¸ they adapt quickly to any situation. Elves: beings of deep feelings and spirituality¸ they seek to restore their cultures former glory. Windlings: small¸ winged beings whose passion for change makes them mischeivious and unpredictable.
Denizens of Earthdawn¸ Volume 1 describes the elves¸ Humans¸ Tskrangs and Windlings in detail and provides race-specific Disciplines¸ new talents¸ and special rules for for playing each race. Heavily illustrated¸ this fascinating and invaluable reference is for Earthdawn players and Gamemasters alike.
The Name-givers. The eight Name-giving races of Barsaive form the heart and soul of the land. They share many experiences and beliefs¸ but have their own cultures and traditions. Each race is unique and together they breathe life into the land of Barsaive.
Denizens of Earthdawn¸ Volume I provides an in-depth look at four of the Name-giving races of Barsaive:
Elves: Beings of deep feeling and spirituality¸ they seek to restore their culture's former glory.
Humans: Versatile enough to learn the unique skills and talents of every race¸ they adapt quickly to any situation.
T'skrang: Flamboyant¸ reptilian beings whose swashbuckling bravado reflects their zest for life.
Windlings: Small¸ winged beings whose passion for change makes them mischievous and unpredictable.
Denizens of Earthdawn¸ Volume I describes the elves¸ humans¸ t'skrang and windlings in detail¸ and provides race-specific Disciplines¸ new talents¸ and special rules for playing each race. Heavily illustrated¸ this fascinating and invaluable reference is for Earthdawn players and gamemasters alike.
This is a sourcebook for the Earthdawn First Edition game line¸ originally published by FASA Corporation. The Earthdawn First Edition game line is no longer supported; it is superseded by the Earthdawn Third Edition game line from RedBrick¸ av ailable from this site.